Momentum. [PREVIEW]
Partnering with City of Bridges High School, our team is dedicated to crafting a solution that embraces contemporary learning ideals, striving to design a student dashboard that embodies the casualty of journaling, all within an intuitive and stress-free user interface.
My role included the end-to-end design process, creating high-fidelity prototypes, and synthesizing all UX research insights.
Project Type
UX | User Research
Fall 2023 | 8 weeks
City of Bridges High School
Ankitha Vasudev, Andrea Chisholm, Christy Zo
Getting Started
What is a PLP?
At City of Bridges High School, "PLP"s (Personalized Learning Plans) serve as specialized classes where students are allotted dedicated time to delve into their chosen majors, shaping their career paths. These courses demand self-regulation and responsibility from students as they navigate their learning journey and manage their deliverables.
Concept Enactment | Before Class
How does Momentum work to support Personalized Learning Plans?
Widget Tools
At the start of each PLP block, students use a widget to notify teachers of their plans, and those choosing a meeting receive an estimated check-in time on their widget.
Flow : PLP block mobile check-in | select decision | feedback queue | feedback initiated
It's customizable.
Widget Tools
By enabling color adjustments tailored to individuals with ADHD, we adopt a more flexible approach to educational tools. This encourages increased student engagement and alleviates the stress associated with traditional "turning in".
Never lose track of time.
Widget Tools
Clear visual representation of time tracking aids students in comprehending the amount of personal time they have before their scheduled check-in with a teacher.
Concept Enactment | After Class
How can students track their progress without it feeling like another task?
By focusing the app on journaling, students can track their PLP progress in a more personalized way. After each PLP block, they receive a daily prompt to check in, allowing them to respond with various media types—visual or audio content—and a brief text entry.
Flow : launch Momentum | reflect on day's progress | include media option | save to portfolio
Feel proud of your work.
App to widget
Once all tasks are finished, students can automatically view their day's PLP on their widget tools until the next scheduled check-in.
Why is this important for growth in students?
Students had a high preference for low-commitment technology and generally had an anti-technology stance as “having another app might be tedious”.
5 out of 7 interviewed students cited leaving traditional schooling due to its stressful nature, compounded by challenges in keeping pace with the systems and tools in place, particularly concerning their ADHD.
Design System
Heysu Oh
Last Updated : Nov 2024