Lunar Gala 2024

Born in 1996, Lunar Gala is an annual student-run fashion show that showcases brilliant artistry in design, modeling, and production, and dance performance. I had the opportunity to be the co-creative director of Liminal, 2024.

Lunar Gala 2024

Born in 1996, Lunar Gala is an annual student-run fashion show that showcases brilliant artistry in design, modeling, and production, and dance performance. I had the opportunity to be the co-creative director of Liminal, 2024.

My Role

Co-Creative Director

The Team

39 total members

4 subdivisions | Print | Motion | Photo | Web


Fall 2023 - Spring 2024, 6 months


Co-Creative Director

The Creative Team

39 members | 4 subdivisions | Print | Motion | Photo | Web


Fall 2023 - Spring 2024, 6 months

Getting Started

Liminal visual identity

Getting Started

Liminal visual identity

Print Team's Deliverables

Booklet, Posters, Merch, PR Material

Motion Team's Deliverables

Backdrops, Promo Video, PR Material

Print Team's Deliverables

Booklet, Posters, Merch, PR Material

Print Team

Show-day booklets for each attendee

Print Team

Posters for each line

Print Team

Merchandise for crew + sale

Motion Team

Generating "liminal space" backdrops

Head of Motion

Promo Video

Design Direction : Co-Creative Directors (Heysu O | Christy Z) + Co-Head of Print (Sophia H | Shannon W L)

Typesetting + Design : Co-Creative Directors + Print Team

Photo Direction : Head of Photo (Suanna Z)

Photography : Head of Photo + Photo Team

Printed by : PhotoRecord

Print Team

Show-day booklets for
each attendee

Print Team

Posters for each line

Print Team

Merchandise for crew + sale

Co-Creative Directors, Co-Head of Print, Motion Head

PR Material | General + Themed

Check back for this later!

Motion Team's Deliverables

Backdrops, Promo Video, PR Material

Design Direction : Co-Creative Directors (Heysu O | Christy Z) + Head of Motion (Phoebe L)

Rigging, Animating, Rendering : Head of Motion + Motion Team

Promo Video : Phoebe L

PR Material : Heysu O + Phoebe L

Design Direction : Co-Creative Directors (Heysu O | Christy Z) + Co-Head of Print (Sophia H | Shannon W L)

Typesetting + Design : Co-Creative Directors + Print Team

Photo Direction : Head of Photo (Suanna Z)

Photography : Head of Photo + Photo Team

Printed by : PhotoRecord

Design Direction : Co-Creative Directors (Heysu O | Christy Z) + Head of Motion (Phoebe L)

Rigging, Animating, Rendering : Head of Motion + Motion Team

Promo Video : Phoebe L

PR Material : Heysu O + Phoebe L

Design Direction : Co-Creative Directors (Heysu O | Christy Z) + Head of Web (Yon M)Web Design : Web Designers + Co Creative Directors

Developers : Web Developers

Photo Direction : Head of Photo (Suanna Z)

Photography : Head of Photo + Photo Team

*Line Shoots and Headshots are shown throughout all of print and web deliverables*

Motion Team

Generating "liminal space" backdrops

Head of Motion

Promo Video

Web Team's Deliverables

Themed Website, Instagram Filter

Photo Team's Deliverables

Line Shoots, Headshots, Day of Show Photos

Web Team

Liminal Website

Web Team's Deliverables

Themed Website, Instagram Filter

Design Direction : Co-Creative Directors (Heysu O | Christy Z) + Head of Web (Yon M)
Web Design : Web Designers + Co Creative Directors

Developers : Web Developers

Web Team

Liminal Website

Photo Team's Deliverables

Line Shoots, Headshots, Day of Show Photos

Design : Pro Forma, Sukie W | Jackson U | Rayya G

Photographer : Sherry C

Left Photographer : Eunice L

Middle + Right Photographer : Matthew A B

Photo Direction : Head of Photo (Suanna Z)

Photography : Head of Photo + Photo Team

*Line Shoots and Headshots are shown throughout all of print and web deliverables*

Photo Team

Photo Team

Studio Shoots

Studio Shoots

Photo Team

Themed Line Shoots

Photo Team

Day of Show

Photo Team

Themed Line Shoots

Design : Pro Forma, Sukie W | Jackson U | Rayya G

Photographer : Sherry C

Photo Team

Day of Show

Left Photographer : Eunice L

Middle + Right Photographer : Matthew A B


Being co-creative directors with my bestie / roommate was awesome, could not have asked for a better partner <3.

Same goes with the awesome creative board, could not have done it without you guys.

Annnd a shoutout to the Co-Creative Directors of Lunar Gala 2023 for being awesome mentors.