Experience an Eargasm

Experience an Eargasm

Given the task of developing and identity system for any event possible. I focused on the idea of crafting one specifically for a digital rave within the Metaverse.

Given the task of developing and identity system for any event possible. I focused on the idea of crafting one specifically for a digital rave within AR.

Project Type

Branding | Solo Project


SparkAR | Blender | Figma | Spline


Spring 2023 | 4 weeks


SparkAR | Blender | Figma | Spline

Project Type

Branding | Solo Project


Spring 2023 | 4 weeks

How does it feel to eargasm?

I used 3D typography to recreate the dynamic feel of a digital rave in a three-dimensional space. Additionally, I integrated earwax imagery to enhance the auditory theme and create a captivating and immersive atmosphere.

How does it feel to eargasm?

I used 3D typography to recreate the dynamic feel of a digital rave in a three-dimensional space. Additionally, I integrated earwax imagery to enhance the auditory theme and create a captivating and immersive atmosphere.

Breaking the sound barrier

Breaking the sound barrier

Adjusting to surrounding light

Adjusting to surrounding light

Intuitive 360° View

Intuitive 360° View

Solidifying a visual identity

To capture the kinetic element of the logotype, I took into account the various assets that work in tandem to create the overall experience.

Interchangeable logotype

Interchangeable logotype

Poster Clusters

Displayed on static content.

Solidifying a visual identity

To capture the kinetic element of the logotype, I took into account the various assets that work in tandem to create the overall experience.

Displayed on Static Content

Poster cluters

Displayed on You

Instagam Logo Filters

Displayed on Screen

Promo Video

Instagram Logo Filters

Displayed on you.

Promo Video

Displayed on Screen.

Event Tickets

Translating the physical to digital.